


High quality and reliable
probabilistic sampling

Scientific Design

We built an online probability panel, based on a representative, dual-frame RDD sample. All panel respondents are phone verified.

Maximum Coverage

The panel respondents are recruited from landline and mobile telephone frames. With close to full coverage in most European countries, coverage bias is significantly reduced. Respondents without internet are re-contacted via phone.

Engaged Panelists

We recruit our panelists by random selection (using a stratified random sample for the landline numbers and a simple random sample for the mobile numbers), which means that access to the panel is invite-only. In return, we offer an adaptive remuneration model, as a token of gratitude for their participation.

Transparent Results

We provide a full breakdown of response rates, demographics of the completes, total number of invited panel members, weighted results & unweighted results, and selection probabilities for each respondent.


Step 1.

RDD sample

A transparent Dual-Frame probability RDD sample is used as a basis for recruitment.

Step 2.


The RDD sample is used to invite the respondents to join Lifepanel and become members. All panel members are verified via phone. SMS and WhatsApp are applied as pre-notification or reminders to increase the recruitment rate.

Step 3.

Panel Specs

Basic demographic information is collected, such as age, gender, location, mobile/landline status, occupation, and household size for weighting purposes and selection probabilities.

Step 4.

Survey invitation

We invite to surveys once a month by calling, emailing, or messaging the panel members based on their preference. The length of the questionnaire varies between 15 and 25 minutes.

Step 5.


For each survey completed, the member receives a remuneration, which depends on the country, demographics, and past response rate. It can vary from 7 to 10 euros that can be redeemed or donated.

Need more details?

Download the methodology


Some friends
we’ve made
in the process.

More Cases
Quantitative Researcher

“Lifepanel provides full transparency from panel recruitment to delivery of weighted and unweighted data.”

Alex Regelman

Research, Insights Company

Policy Maker

“So far I only had the choice between low-quality non-probability panels or overly expensive domestic probability panels - Lifepanel changes all of this.”

Laura Morton

Policy Maker, Government

Full Transparency

``It was hard before to figure out how a sample was drawn or even how the panel members were recruited. Lifepanel changes all of this.``

Stacey Rickson

Head of Polling