
Lifepanel Omnibus Surveys: Reliable Quarterly data

Omnibus surveys are a type of research method that gathers data from multiple participants on a wide range of topics. These surveys are typically conducted by research firms or agencies and aim to provide a comprehensive snapshot of public opinion or behavior. The term “omnibus” refers to the inclusion of various questions or topics within a single survey, making it a efficient way to collect data on multiple subjects. Omnibus surveys often use random sampling techniques to ensure a representative sample of the target population. The collected data is then analyzed and used by businesses, organizations, and policymakers to make informed decisions, develop marketing strategies, or gain insights into public sentiment. Overall, omnibus surveys offer a valuable tool for obtaining diverse and timely information on a broad range of subjects.

The Importance of Omnibus Surveys in the Research Industry

Omnibus surveys play a crucial role in social research due to their ability to capture a wide range of information from a diverse sample of respondents. These surveys are designed to collect data on various topics, such as politics, policy research and public opinion, all in a single questionnaire. This comprehensive approach allows researchers to gather valuable insights and make informed decisions based on the collected data. Aditionally, the regularity of omnibus surveys allows for trend analysis and tracking changes in attitudes and behaviors over time. By providing a snapshot of society at a given moment, omnibus surveys contribute to our understanding of social dynamics and help shape evidence-based policies and interventions. The importance of omnibus surveys in social research cannot be overstated as they provide a valuable tool for gathering comprehensive data, analyzing trends, and informing decision-making processes.

Methodology of Omnibus Surveys

Omnibus surveys are widely used in market research as they are designed to collect data from respondents, covering a wide range of topics and research objectives. One key aspect of the methodology is the use of a standardized questionnaire that is administered to all respondents. The questionnaire typically includes both closed-ended and open-ended questions, allowing for quantitative and qualitative analysis.

Another important feature of omnibus surveys is the use of random sampling techniques to select respondents. This helps to ensure that the sample is representative of the target population and reduces the potential for bias in the results. Participants may be freshly recruited for each survey or may be part of an established panel.

In terms of data collection, omnibus surveys can be conducted through various methods, including telephone interviews, face-to-face interviews, or online surveys. The choice of method depends on factors such as cost, time constraints, and the nature of the target population. Lifepanel offers an online Omnibus solution, the go-to choice for gathering quantitative data.

The switch to digital not only ensures real-time data but also offers speedy responses and high-quality solutions. Overall, the methodology of omnibus surveys provides a robust and efficient approach to collecting data for research purposes. It allows researchers to gather information on a wide range of topics while ensuring the reliability and representativeness of the findings.

Advantages of Omnibus Surveys for Social Research

Omnibus surveys offer numerous advantages for social research. Firstly, they provide a great solution for gathering data from a large and diverse sample for clients that only need to answer a few questions but expect the same methodological rigor as stand-alone survey. By combining multiple research questions from different clients into a single survey, the overhead of data collection and administration can be shared among participants, making it easier to access for researchers. Additionally, omnibus surveys allow for quick turnaround times, as they are conducted on a regular basis with pre-determined fieldwork schedules. This enables researchers to obtain timely data and make informed decisions in a shorter period. Furthermore, these surveys provide a wealth of information on various topics, allowing researchers to explore multiple research questions simultaneously. The comprehensive nature of omnibus surveys ensures that a wide range of data is collected, providing valuable insights into different aspects. Lastly, the large sample sizes associated with omnibus surveys enhance the statistical power of the findings, increasing the generalizability of the results to the target population. Overall, omnibus surveys offer an efficient and effective method for conducting social research, enabling researchers to gather reliable data and gain valuable insights into various societal issues.

At Lifepanel, we collect background information on the respondent, covering standard demographics. The selection is made at random from Lifepanel’s panel, which consists of active and unique members.

Omnibus surveys are usefuwhen you need to ask the same set of questions repeatedly in order to make comparisons. This approach makes omnibus surveys a effective solution for gathering data and obtaining valuable insights without the burden of conducting a full-scale survey independently.

With Lifepanel, we provide nationally representative samples from our established panel, limiting participants to one survey per month, for which participants receive proper incentives, to overcome the mentioned limitations.

Applications for Omnibus Surveys in Social Research

Omnibus surveys have become an invaluable tool in social research due to their versatility and efficiency. These surveys are designed to collect a wide range of data from a diverse sample of participants, making them ideal for studying various social phenomena. One of the key applications of omnibus surveys is in measuring public opinion and attitudes towards different issues. By including questions on a variety of topics, researchers can gain insights into the beliefs and perspectives of the general population.

Additionally, omnibus surveys are often used to track trends over time, allowing researchers to observe how opinions change and evolve. Overall, the applications of omnibus surveys in social research are vast and continue to expand as new technologies and methodologies emerge. Whether your goal is to collect information on a variety of topics, or to track attitudes on migration, voting behavior, or gain data insights on a specific demographic view on a given topic, our omnibus solution is here for you.

How can we Help You with Omnibus Survey?

Both of our branches Sample Solutions and Lifepanel are dedicated to providing probability samples. With Sample Solutions, we offer high-coverage random-digit dialed telephone samples for survey researchers to conduct Omnibus surveys.

Lifepanel Omnibus is designed to efficiently gather data on a wide range of topics. By utilizing our established panel, we can ensure that the samples we provide are nationally representative, which means that the data collected accurately reflects the opinions of the population as a whole. In contrast, CATI Omnibus may not guarantee such representation, as potentially biasing the sample towards certain demographics and declining response rates as well.

To maintain the integrity of the data, we limit participants to one survey per month, allowing for a balanced representation of voices. Our recruitment process is by invitation only, ensuring that panelists are carefully selected and motivated to contribute their thoughts and feedback, which is not the case with access panels. With Lifepanel Omnibus, you can access reliable data quickly , empowering your organization with the information needed to make informed decisions. While CATI Omnibus may also provide reliable data, it may not emphasize speed as much, as they are constrained by time limits, as interviewers must keep calls brief to maintain respondent interest and cooperation.

Overall, the Lifepanel Omnibus offers a comprehensive and efficient solution for gathering nationally representative data on various topics, while ensuring participant balance and motivation.


Omnibus insights into social trends surveys provide a snapshot and attitudes of public opinion and can help identify trends and patterns in society. The data collected can be used to inform policy decisions, evaluate the effectiveness of social programs, and guide marketing strategies.

Overall, omnibus surveys are a valuable tool for social research, providing researchers with efficient way to collect data on a wide range of topics. When used appropriately and in conjunction with other research methods, they can provide valuable insights into societal attitudes, behaviors, and trends.

Aleksandra is a Marketing Coordinator at Sample Solutions B.V. and Lifepanel, with demonstrated success in driving growth and a belief in an analytical approach to marketing.